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Online Damas Games. It's place, where you can play with Alkand

Classificação - 64  Classificação - 100 

You can find my comments for games of  27.O CAMPEONATO BRASILEIRO DE  JOGO DE DAMAS 64 CASAS– 1999


 Visit to nice site about Brazil damas JOGO DE DAMAS 64 CASAS




Many thanks to Ademar Rodrigues
for sended results and games !!! 

01.S. Jose dos Campos -Leandro, J. de Deus, Klayton, Genaldo
02.S. Jose do Rio Preto -Alcebiades, Marcelo Ciro,Conrado, Frankili)
03.Marilia -Francualdo,Ciro,Paraibinha, Francisco Jovino
04.Santos -Wagner, Flavio, Orlando, F.Xavier
05.Aracatuba -Carlos Lopes, Braulio, Linneu, Moretti
06.Birigui -Walter Campos, Erisvaldo, Ademar,Romeu

Some games from Jogos Abertos

with short comments of Alexander Kandaurov


Romeu - Domingos. 7... e7-d6 (very weak exchange. May be lost game. Better to play 7... e5-d4 8. c5-b6 (or c5-d6), then 9. e3-f4 with even game.

Paraiba - Klayton. Black could make clean draw after 23... d6-e5 24.d4-c5 e7-d6! 25.c5:g5 h6:f4 26.g1-f2 f4-g3! 27.f2:h4 e5-f4!

Robinson - Conrado. 5.g1-h2... 8.g5-h6 ... 10.g3-h4 (passive moves for white. Black takes center and won easy)

Franklin - Claudeci. 14.... b8-c7 (weakens right flank of black) better was 14. ... d8-c7

Marcelo Ciro - Ney. 6.... c7-b7 lost game.


Copyright  © 2001  All rights reserved.

Editor of Brazilian chapter Alexander Kandaurov






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