Today we publish interview to the ex-champion of the world Alexander
Schwartzman, which one he has agreed to give to our correspondent. Undoubtedly
his estimation of a past world championship will be interesting to many
fans of draughts.
1. How you evaluate organization of competition?
Would not like long to stay on this question, I shall bring only a
few facts:
- on closing of a championship the chairman of Draughts Federation
of Russia R.N.Klimashev has told, that it was one of worse tournaments
which he has organized;
- there was no prize-winning fund;
- on opening there was no official representative from one organization.
It is possible to understand, that at the last moment the sponsors
have refused. That organization of a world championship - difficult
business. But it seems, that in this case it would be better to refuse
realization of tournament - benefit to draughts from it would be more.
We played on ours (Russian) chess clocks of very old construction, which
one for a long time are not used in official competitions. It seriously
has deformed a course of struggle. On electronic clocks it is visible
how many precisely to time you have up to the control, and the best
players already have got used it.
2. What you can tell about structure of the participants?
The system of selection to a world championship was absolutely not fair.
Me it, simply has exasperated. For the first time champions of the three
leading draughts countries: Russia, Netherlands, Byelorussia, - had
not the right of direct selection and, according to this issue, could
not take part in a championship. At the same time structure of the participants
was equal enough, there were 1-2 participants, against which it is necessary
to win, though also it was not simple. Unfortunately because of conditions
of championship's realization H.Wiersma has refused to play. Very decent
result have shown players from Camerun, that became unexpectedness for
3. What the championship has given in the creative
plan? Whom you would like to note?
On my sight in the creative plan a championship a little that has given.
The majority of the players of first tens played dry, it is rational.
А.Tchizhov and G.Valneris in the creative plan have conducted not the
best tournament. Quite good technique has shown R.Clerk. I do not know
in what of the reason it is at each they.
4. In what you see the reasons, how it seems,
not absolutely successful for you result ?
I consider, that till 30-35 moves I received quite good positions. Then
to me did not suffice either time, or forces to realize advantage.
Up to the last moment I was not going to play in this championship,
as FMJD initially "has stolen" at me right on a match - revenge
with the winner. Because of deadlines of organization of a championship
to be prepared good for it was impossible. Only for two days prior to
the beginning of tournament I have returned from the Netherlands, where
I had obligations to club. Obviously, the decision to play was erroneous,
but the love to checkers and to struggle has moved.
I absolutely psychologically was not ready for this tournament. Everyone
play not poorly, it is necessary, that was slightly lucky, and me fatally
did not carry - enough to look ending of game A.Tchizhov -A.Schwarzman.
In the majority of games I had advantage. In some I could not realize
it, and in some simply there was no winning.
5. Some words about A.Tchizhov playing?
Alexey it is the notable player, as well as any winner to it among other
things was accompanied by good luck, especially in first six rounds.
His games was under construction on concrete account. In the strategic
plan he anything especial has not shown, but it would be desirable to
note his game with A.Gantvarg. It is obvious, that he was more better
of all on shall adjust and has achieved the purpose. Both A.Tchizhov
and G.Valneris made the rate on the middle of games but in a debut advantage
practically did not receive.
Alexey played fast and was very much self-assured, but these constituting
are present at him always.
6. Alexsander, what's your nearest plans?
After a world championship it became clear above what to me it is necessary
to work. For the first time I shall take part in personal - command
Cup of Russia in team of Moscow in April. At the end of May the tournament
in Yakutia is planned. June 11-15 I shall play in international tournament
in Netherlands city Delft (?) and since June 28 in tournament in Tallinn.
While I do not relinguish struggle for a title of the champion of the
world, but we shall look, what will be the following decisions of the
World federation of draughts.
Alexander, let you to thank for the detailed
answers. From the our site edition to wish to you health, personal happiness
and, certainly, further draughts victories.
It is very pleasant, that has opened new draughts a site. Would like
to thank his organizers for that work, which they carry out on propagation
of checkers and also to wish to them successes.